石斛 (shi hu) dendrobium stem
夜 (ye) night
光 (guang) light, radiance
丸 (wan) pill
Guangzhou Chen Li Ji pharmaceutical factory
Dendrobium stem (石斛 shi hu)
Prepared rhizome of rehmannia (熟地黄 shu di huang)
The fruit of Barbarum (枸杞子 gou qi zi)
The seed of Chinese dodder (菟丝子 tu si zi)
The root of bidentate achyrantes (牛膝 niu xi)
Chrysanthemum flower (菊州 ju hua)
The fruit of Tribulus terrestris (蒺藜 ji li)
Silvery (rooster crest) celosia seed (青子子 qing xiang zi)
Cassia seed (诀明子 jue ming zi)
The Indian ox horn (shui niu jiao 水牛角)
The antelope's horn (羚羊角 ling yang jiao)
Ginseng root (ren shen 人参)
The rhizome of Chinese yam (山 sh shan yao)
Poria coccus (茯苓 fu ling )
Cistanche salsa (肉苁蓉 rou cong rong)
Rehmannia glutinosa (地黄 di huang)
The fruit of Chinese magnoliavine (五味子 wu wei zi)
The root of asparagus chingensai (天冬tian dong)
Ophiopogon japonicus (麦冬 mai dong)
Amygdalin (苦杏仁 ku xing ren)
Saposhnikovia divaricata (防风 fang feng)
Rhizoma Ligustici Chuanxiong (川芎 chuan qiong)
The rhizome of Chinese goldthread (黄连 huang lian)
Licorice root (甘草 gan cao)
Replenishing Yin and kidney, cooling the liver, brightening eyes.
Caused by a deficiency (Yin) of the liver and kidneys, fire fire in Yin deficiency: cataracts, blurred vision, visual snow.
Per os by 3 measuring mugs (6 g) 2 times a day.
Give up smoking, alcohol, spicy and irritating food.
In pregnancy, take under the supervision of a doctor.
Take with caution in loose stools due to lack of spleen.
The drug is used in the initial round cataract (senile cataract).
If after 7 days of taking the drug there is no improvement, consult a doctor.
Stop taking if you have an allergic reaction to the drug. Take with caution if prone to allergies.
Do not take when changing the appearance and properties of the drug.
Keep your medications out of the reach of children.
When taking other drugs consult a doctor or pharmacist.